
Why No Dairy After Tooth Extraction? Here’s What to Eat

A tooth extraction isn’t exactly a walk in the park. After the procedure, your mouth is sensitive and raw. During this time, it’s important to pay attention to what you eat in order to promote healing and reduce discomfort. Specifically, many dentists recommend steering clear of dairy for the first few days after tooth extraction.


But why no dairy after tooth extraction? And what are the best foods after tooth extraction? Can you drink milk after wisdom teeth removal? Let’s take a closer look at the foods to avoid after oral surgery and provide some delicious alternatives to help you stay nourished and comfortable. 

Why you shouldn’t consume dairy after tooth extraction

Can I drink milk after tooth extraction? Why no dairy after dental implants? Can I drink milk after wisdom teeth removal? Can I drink chocolate milk after tooth extraction? Can I eat cheese after tooth extraction? These are some questions that may be bugging you.


After tooth extraction, it is important to give your body time to heal before you start consuming dairy products. Dairy contains proteins that can encourage the growth of bacteria and increase the risk of infection. This is because dairy provides an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive, which can lead to swelling and discomfort in the gums and surrounding area.


Additionally, dairy products are harder for your body to digest as they contain casein protein, which slows down digestion significantly and increases inflammation throughout the body. This can delay the healing process and cause more discomfort.


As for coffee after dental implant surgery, it’s found that caffeine intake doesn’t have a negative effect on the post-tooth extraction healing period. Just remember to have iced coffee without dairy. It’s best to avoid hot drinks for a few days after the procedure.


So, if you’re asking yourself, “Can I drink hot chocolate after tooth extraction?” Probably not.


In that case, when can I drink milk after tooth extraction? You can ease into consuming dairy a few days after the procedure. Make sure you get a go signal from your dentist.

What are the other types of foods to avoid

Aside from dairy products, here are the foods not to eat with dental implants: 

Spicy or acidic foods

Spicy or acidic foods are one of the types of foods to avoid after dental implants. These can irritate your extraction site and slow down the healing process. It is best to avoid hot sauces, spicy seasonings like curry powder and chili peppers, acidic foods like tomatoes and citrus fruits, as well as pickles or vinegar-based dressings. 

Hard or crunchy foods

If you’re wondering, “Can I eat cereal after tooth extraction?” or “Can I eat cereal after wisdom teeth removal?,” the answer is no. Hard foods such as crunchy cereal, popcorn, and nuts should be avoided after tooth extraction to avoid irritating the wound or pulling on newly formed blood clots. 


Alcohol is another no-go food for after tooth extraction as it can slow down the healing process. Alcohol also has a tendency to irritate and dry out your mouth, which is something you want to avoid during recovery. As such, it’s best to avoid alcohol for at least a week after the extraction. 

Carbonated beverages

Drinking soda after tooth extraction is a huge no-no. The carbonation and sugar can cause bacteria to grow in the extraction site, leading to an infection. Additionally, carbonated drinks can also increase inflammation and potentially delay healing time.

What to eat instead

Now that you know what not to eat after tooth extraction, it’s time to learn the foods to eat after getting teeth pulled: 

Soft fruits

Soft fruits, such as bananas, mangoes, and peaches, are one of the best foods to eat after tooth extraction. These fruits don’t need chewing and are easy to digest. As such, they won’t cause any irritation or inflammation in the extraction site. They can also provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Cooked vegetables

When looking for good food after tooth extraction, cooked vegetables are a great option because they contain plenty of nutrients and minerals. Plus, their texture is gentle enough on your teeth and gums. Go for steamed or boiled veggies like carrots, potatoes, squash, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, or mushrooms as these will be easier to chew. 

Eggs and tofu

Can I eat an omelet after wisdom teeth removal? Absolutely! 


Eggs and tofu are safe foods after tooth extraction because they are low in fat and high in protein, which helps promote healing. Additionally, eggs and tofu provide essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that can help speed up the healing process.


Eggs are a great source of vitamin A, while tofu is an excellent source of iron. These foods also contain B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc – all important for post-surgery nutrition. They’re also soft and easy to chew, which is important while your mouth is healing.

Soups and broths

What to eat after getting teeth pulled? Soups and broths are a great option. Not only are they easy to eat, but they also provide essential nutrients and minerals that can help promote healing. Chicken or beef broth is always a good choice, as is miso soup—a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans. 

Rice and pasta

What to eat after the tooth implant if I want something filling? Rice and pasta are two carbohydrate sources that provide essential energy and are easy to digest.


They fill you up without causing too much discomfort or digestive issues. Rice is a good source of carbohydrates, while pasta can be enriched with nutrients like iron and B vitamins. Additionally, both are gluten-free options that can be seasoned with herbs and spices for added flavor.


Can I eat bread after dental implants? It depends on the type of bread. Avoid hard and chewy bread, as these may be difficult to chew. Stick with soft, white loaves for a few days after your procedure.

Dairy-free smoothies and milkshakes

You can still enjoy your daily smoothie or milkshake without milk! Try swapping out the dairy for plant-based milk products like almond, oat, or coconut milk. These products are full of healthy fats and proteins that can help you stay satiated while still allowing your mouth to heal properly. 

Ice cream or sorbet

Can you eat ice cream after a tooth extraction? How soon can I eat ice cream after tooth extraction?
Well, you’re in luck because ice cream is one of the better options for soft foods to eat after tooth extraction.


Eating ice cream or sorbet can help keep your mouth cool and soothe the pain from the extraction site. Avoid any hard pieces of food like nuts, chocolate chips, or cookie dough because these could get stuck in the wound.


Even if it’s considered a dairy product, ice cream is still a safe and delicious option because their proteins have already been broken down into small particles. Just make sure to avoid any hard pieces of food, like nuts, chocolate chips, or cookie dough that could get stuck in the wound and cause discomfort.


So, how long to eat soft foods after dental implants? It depends on how well you take care of your teeth and how quickly your wound heals. 

How to avoid damaging the extraction site while eating

With the significant cost of dentist services, like wisdom tooth removal and dental implants, you want to make sure that your treatment goes right the first time. Here are some tips to make sure your tooth extraction site heals properly: 

Refrain from using straws

The suction from straws can cause a dry socket, which is when the wound from the tooth extraction opens up and exposes the underlying bone. To avoid this, it’s best to stay away from straws for at least a week after your procedure. 

Eat using the opposite side of the affected area

The extraction site has an open wound and needs time to heal. Eating with the opposite side of your mouth will help avoid any food particles getting into the extraction site, as well as reduce pressure on it.

Chew slowly and carefully

After you get a tooth extracted, it’s important to chew slowly and carefully. This will help prevent food particles from getting stuck in the extraction site, which can cause infection. It also helps reduce the amount of pressure on the area so that it can heal properly. 

Cut food into bite-sized pieces

To avoid damaging the extraction site, you should cut all food into bite-sized pieces before consuming. This will help prevent putting undue pressure on the area where your tooth used to be and allow it to heal properly. 

Take small bites

Moreover, it is important to take small bites when eating after tooth extraction. This ensures that no large pieces of food make their way into the extraction site, which could cause infection or irritation. 

Rinse your mouth after eating

To protect the area and reduce your risk of infection, it is important to rinse your mouth immediately after eating with warm salt water or an antiseptic rinse. This will help to remove any leftover debris from the extraction site. 

How your post-tooth extraction diet affects your recovery

Can you eat with dental implants? Can you drink milk after tooth extraction? We hope that we were able to answer these questions and more.


Eating the right foods can help promote a speedy recovery and keep your mouth healthy. Dairy products should be avoided for a few days after tooth extraction, but there are still plenty of delicious and nutritious alternatives to choose from. With the right diet plan, you can get back to enjoying all of your favorite foods in no time.


NoHo Family Dental is here to help you with your dental needs. Our team of highly experienced and knowledgeable professionals is dedicated to providing the best care possible. Schedule your appointment for more information on how we can help restore your smile.

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